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Grattacielo Pirelli (Pirelli Tower), Northeast Milan

A bold example of 1960's modernist Italian architecture

featured in Sights & sites

The Big Pirelli or 'Pirellone', as the tower is affectionately known by locals is, with its tapered sides, a feat of architectural prowess. In the 1950s, the 32-floor tower became Italy's first skyscraper and is still one of the tallest in the country.

The team behind the post World War II reconstructionist design was led by architect Gio Ponti and ordered by Alberto Pirelli, president of the Pirelli company, a large Italian manufacturer of tyres and cables. With 124 metres, it became the company's headquarters when its construction finished in 1960.

The Italian architect created a modern curtain wall façade, in which the pillars are clearly visible between its crystal walls. It was purchased by the region of Lombardia in 1978, and it has been an administration building since then.

Worth knowing

In 2002, a piston-engined airplane flying from Locarno to Milan hit the tower by the 20th floor and the pilot and two people inside were killed. The building underwent an extensive restoration which proved its resistance.

In 2009, the record for the race up the 710 steps of the Pirelli skyscraper was 3 minutes and 30 seconds.

Watch out for

Tradition dictates that no building should be taller than the Duomo's Madonnina, the statue of the Virgin Mary atop the cathedral (around 109 metres). To uphold the tradition, a small golden reproduction of the sculpture was set on top of the Pirelli Tower.

Visitor comments

  • "This skyscraper is a kind of Landmark located just in front of Stazione Centrale Milano (Central Station). As this houses Regional Government of Lombardia, we cannot freely access the building but whenever you are about to get lost near the Station, you can look for this building." - Trip Advisor
  • "I passed this building 2-3-4 times every day as I went back and forth between the Hilton Hotel to Stazione Centrale. And each time I looked up at its sleek design. It is now a government office so can not enter, but its location across from the train station is a great landmark for this area. Also if you are lost, you know where you are." - Trip Advisor
  • "It was the first building in Milan to surpass the height of the cathedral. It was completed in 1959 as the headquarters of Pirelli." - Trip Advisor

When to come

There is a public viewing deck located on the tower's 31st floor, only open to during special events, such as the city's spring fair, the Festa dei Nonni, or the Vertical Sprint.


Map of the surrounding area
